Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Had a fairly productive day. I woke up about 10am (yes, late by many standards, but I still got quite a bit done, haha in my eyes anyway...). Had breakfast of mini weetabix (yummy!) before deciding to work out. I did the whole hour and half workout today, which was great because I really needed to and probably will need to every day this week to burn off any excess of the past few days. Not that there's been tonnes of the stuff, just that I'll feel better if I put the effort in now, rather than leave it until later or worse, none at all.

Anyhow, other than that, I showered because otherwise I always feel dirty if I don't after I exercise. Then I made myself some lunch at about 2pm or so. Excellent. I had the most measly lunch ever! haha. Just one slice of toast and a bit of leftover baked beans. Hahah. But it's been enough so far to last me until later tonight, so by all standards it was ample.

Then at 3pm, I went to meet my friend Holly, so I could show her around my house and all that jazz. I showed her pretty much all the main rooms (lounge, kitchen,bathrooms, etc) and of course my room. She seemed impressed which is good and we decided there and then that on Thursday afternoon we will shoot our camera assessment in my kitchen. So I'm glad that's sorted. We had a good chat and we exchanged christmas presents!
I got some transparent soap with a duck motif on it. How awesome is that!! hehe. I also got a very stylish and modern picture frame so I can put a nice pic of me and Gary in it. Yayyy. So I'll have to get snap happy this Christmas!! Hehe. I bought Holly a little pretty jewellery/trinket box and a little duck that glows all kinds of colours! hahaha. Nice. I think she really liked it.

Holly stayed until about 4.20pm or something like that, just before it got too dark. &since leaving, I've come on here and have been deciding what to do with my time this evening. Obviously at 7.30 and 8.30 I am going to be watching Coronation Street. But before then, I guess I should get my dinner on at around, half six. Hmmm, I think I might go and clean the upstairs bathroom, as I should really get last week's cleaning duty out of the way, so I can clean the kitchen before Thursday:p haha nice.

Oohh and in other news, my housemate's bro's girlfriend has gone into labour and it must be soo exciting for her because I remember early last year when my niece was born, the anticipation was electric!! So I'm wishing the best for her bro's family because these next couple of days/hours are going to be majorly exciting for them. Good luck!

Today has been a nice day. Not in a boring kind of way either. I think that's because I have done something however. Unlike yesterday where I was just plain bored so decided to stay in bed/eat/be online. Haha. Another useful thing I have done is to renew my loan on my library book called 'Schnews at Ten'- as I still haven't done any reading and really should before term ends.

I can't believe it's the 11th of December already! Only 14 days until Christmas! and only 5 days until I'm back in Widnes. Yayy!!!

I will miss Sheffield people over the festive season, but I won't in another way. I'll miss them because obvs, they're good to be around. But I like it just as much as home, if not for the cosiness of the town (even if it is a shitehole), but mainly because of close knit friends and family.
