Saturday, December 02, 2006

I've had ever such a productive day. Where to begin?
I woke up and with it being the 1st of December, of course I had to open the very first door on my advent calendar (which was just so damn exciting for some reason). I then wanted to stay in bed...but realised it would be better for me to get up and actually do something. Heh. So I did.

I hoovered the whole house, as that was my house task for the week. Then I tidied my desk, finished off and wrapped the last of the presents on my desk and hid them out of view. I even made myself a door sign with my name on it, covered in loads of silver and gold stars. It looks really good in the dark. If I can, I might try and do another one next year, except with glow in the dark ones. Haha, awesome. I had beans on toast for dinner. Then I did around 45 minutes worth of shorthand. Then I worked out for an hour and a half- which was great as I haven't done any exercise since Monday, haha. So it was nice to get back into the energetic spirit of it again, especially since I had a chippy dinner from the Broomhill friery last night. That place is great for fast food and is real cheap, which I guess is why it's so popular with students. But I hadn't been there so far this year as I'd been pre-occupied with eating properly and trying to avoid rubbish. I still am, but I don't see any harm in treating myself occasionally, even though a chippy dinner isn't my idea of a treat anymore. I work out loads anyway, so that helps to burn any off that I'm unhappy with.

I've just got out of the shower and dried my hair, etc and am now of course, writing this. Within the next half hour I will have to apply myself and get down to a serious bout of revision as I've done next to none today! Which isn't good. But at least I've got all the menial stuff like housework, working out, etc out of the way. Which I'm pleased about. My media law test is on Tuesday afternoon and I have around 22 handouts to get through before then. Plus, Gary is coming up tomorrow afternoon and I don't want to be spending the whole time while he's up here, revising. That would be truly awful.

I'm supposed to be going to a house party tonight at a house in the next block. A bunch of guys I/we knew from Ranmoor are having it there and they've invited us all along...although I doubt many of us will go because at least two of us have gone away for the weekend and the rest of us are preoccupied with various other stuff. But I'd still like to go, just to make my Friday night less boring than staying and revising.

Although talking to Gary always alleviates boredom :) Yayyyyyy I'm so excited he's coming up tomorrow. I just want to run screaming all up and down the house, haha. It feels like aggggeeeesss since we last saw one another...12 days I believe? Which may not sound like a long time, but it is when you really love someone and can't stand to be apart. *Sigh*.

I made a slideshow for my myspace page last night, with some pictures of me and him together on it :]