Saturday, February 03, 2007

My beautiful boyfriend Gary is a musical genius.
He has his first CD out.
BUY IT NOW!!! :)

The first CD by Avent Guardian is available now to buy from the witchhouse records website and also from myself at shows.

Angel is the first release and has nine tracks clocking 42 min.

Avent guardian Angel:

"A balance of noise, doom, and grim dense drones layer Angel in a passionate grave only to resurface in a imaginative and thought provoking spell. Haunting samplings riddle this masterpiece with beautiful soundscapes, dark textures and multiple layers of desolate drift. G. Jones lays out a graceful display of sound structures to draw oneself up into the arms of Avent Guardian"

"Bleak as fuck challenging drone"

"Dark soundscapes and harsh abrasive noises litter this haunting yet soundly melancholy release"

Angel is available on two formats:
special package edition (limited to ten)$10 inc postage
digipack edition (limited to 20)$5 inc postage
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