Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just to clarify, I had no lectures today. Woopee.

I've had a sleepy day. Not helped by the rushing to make lunch and leaving the sandwich toaster all dirty, just so I could make it on time to a ...cancelled...lecture. Ahh well.
Bill is ill, so all JNL 308 lectures (including workshop) were cancelled. Grim, I was looking forward to it too. Now I have no lectures until Thursday though, yay.

I went to Bar One last night. It was pretty swish. I enjoyed it enough. The only thing I didn't like about it was that we were sat in a dark corner of The Raynor Lounge all night! Meep. Which sucked. But it was good to see everyone going out for a drink like the old days in Ranmoor. Plus we got to meet Isle of Wight Sam's friends. Who seemed friendly enough. I walked back with Rob, so it was good to have someone to talk to.

The good news is that Gary is coming up now :) for Valentines Day, which is tomorrow. Which is great :D I'm really looking forward to our time together. It feels like ages since I last saw him. 8 days or so.

So I may not update much in the next few days. That and I've been pretty sleepy today, so can't be bothered with a huge post here either.

I bought two books today in the union's book sale. 'Whit' by Ian Mc Ewan and 'Violin' by Anne Rice, for £5. Which is ace, so so cheap.

Oh and 'The Third Man' arrived today. :D excellent. I'm going to watch it sometime shortly. How delightful.

Anyway must be off. Got to finish off last night's yummy lentil moussaka I made :)

That and listen out for Gary :)
