Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm having to budget so badly right now. The good news is I spent nothing all day. Apart from about 20p on a text. But nothing bought wise. Our electricity bill came in the other day and it came to £500! Fuck.

So now we each have to pay an extra £25 out, on top of what we already get charged. Nice. So as you can see...I'm going to be very poor soon. The good news however, is that I think I can budget quite well now. I'm cutting back a lot. No nights out for a good while. Just spending my money on basics, such as food and essential items. Hopefully, it will work.

I best get into the habit of spending nothing for a good while. Me and Gary want to go Download this year! and I have a feeling that will be very pricy indeed. A camping ticket is £145 (not too bad) with £10 booking fee. But then there's other things to expenses, what we'd need when we get there- food, drink, camping equipment,not to mention anything we'll spend...just because it's a festival- merch etc. Although I'm sure that won't be the hard part. So yeah, that's what I'm gonna get excited about this summer. So yeah, no doubt I will be talking more about that soon. But before then, I have loads of Uni work to do, which is a bit :( So maybe I should focus on that first. It doesn't however, mean I can't plan well in advance :p haha.

So, I had my first workshop on QuarkXpress today. It was easy enough, but I had a bit of difficulty with it, mainly just understanding it all. I'm sure it'll come to me easily enough however. We're being taught by a graphic designer and he seemed nice enough, friendly and patient. It's what you need when you're learning to master a new tool/programme, isn't it? It helps to have someone who doesn't act all up their own arse and expect you to know what to do, when you've never used something before.

In other news, my sink is clear and unblocked- AT LONG LAST!! For practically a whole month it was clogged up. But then the good old sink unblocker sorted things out. Ace. Pancake day was cool. I made a few good ones, but there was also a number of failures. Eeep. Nevermind though.

I downloaded Soulseek yesterday. It's pretty handy. I've already got a few songs I've been wanting for a while :]

Right, bed time for me.
